One Night in Portland

In the day, the area surrounding 2nd avenue is filled with forklifts and union workers loading and unloading freight into the rundown, yet OSHA-compliant warehouses.

But this is Sunday.  And it’s 6 o’clock.  The back-up beeps of trucks have long ceased and the air is filled with enthusiasm and exhausts.


This is Portland’s weekly Red Door Meet.  And the streets are crammed with people checking out the artwork parked in front of warehouse docks, dumpsters, under bridges, and across many blocks.


It draws a huge crowd, and so it should.  It’s not every day where a Toyota Soarer, R32 Skyline, a Gallardo, and a Baja Ranger shares the same meet.


The car is a huge draw but the lively atmosphere and the social aspect has taken up its own life.

And that’s what Red Door has become.  It’s more than just cars.  It’s a social gathering.  People come here to check out other people’s passion and artwork and to chat and chill.  There’s even a food truck.  What’s more, there’s even a dyno.

There is a scene in the movie “Fast and Furious One” before Paul Walker drives his Eclipse so fast that his floor board fell, drivers all gather on a deserted street.  People were chilling and checking out each other’s cars.  This is the atmosphere of RDM.

The crew of PanthyHeist is all too familiar with the weekly event.  But even when we frequent it so much, we’re still amazed by everything that is happening.  This has become more than just a weekly car meet.  This is a social gathering.  This is where you come to hang out with your friends to chat with really cool strangers.  This is where even unsuspecting passersby take notice and gawk around.  And mostly, this is Portland’s nightlife.

Until next time,



Written by Raymond Chiu

Photos by Raymond Chiu and Jacob Pina


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